Hope Is a Thing With Pages
"Hope is the thing with feathers - / That perches in the soul - / And sings the tune without the words - / And never stops - at all -"~Emily DickinsonThis week I attended an author luncheon in Nashville.
The Curse of an Overactive Imagination
All my life I’ve suffered from an overactive imagination. At six years old, sitting in our station wagon outside Herndon’s Market, I became convinced that the tattooed men getting out of their truck were on their way to kidnap me. Leaning over
The Litmus Test for Marriage
The litmus test for my marriage began on Monday when I printed out the first hard copy of my novel and passed it to my husband. He’s read my work before, and I am quite used to his “leave it
10 Gadgets Every Writer Doesn’t Need (But Should Definitely Keep Around)
A few weeks ago I read an article about 10 gadgets every writer needs. Remaining true to my and my husband’s ancestors (mine were "Black Bumper" Mennonite, his Old Order Amish), I am going to flout those fandangled thingamabobs and