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30 Days of Thankfulness

30 Days of Thankfulness


Hello, friends,

Long time, no see; I hope you are doing well!

While my husband was out hunting in Wisconsin this past week, my daughter and I went to visit my best friend, Misty, who The Outcast is dedicated to. She and her husband live in a cozy farmhouse beside a soybean field. For five days I didn’t have cell phone service or internet, and it was honestly very restoring to my soul. So now I am refreshed and ready to tackle 30 Days of Thankfulness. I hope you will join this movement. We can truly make a difference if we come together with one purpose in mind.

To learn more about 30 Days of Thankfulness, visit this link: Water For Life




  • Welcome back! Great video!

    November 8, 2013
  • Jolina – well done & a great message! Happy Thanksgiving.

    November 8, 2013

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