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A Sign To A Woman Who’s Given Up On Signs

A Sign To A Woman Who’s Given Up On Signs

imagesE9BIYJRWSomewhere between graduating from college and giving birth to my first child, many of my life’s questions were answered, and so I stopped searching the cosmos for signs.

If the light turned green before I had to tap my brake, it meant I was supposed to join the Peace Corps.

If a street name matched the name of someone I liked, it meant we were supposed to get married.

If I saw 11:11 on my cell phone twice in one day, it meant my best friend was going to beat cancer.

I cannot say that I was searching for God’s will for my life by putting out a fleece; moreover, I was searching for confirmation for my own will.

You see, I already had plans; I just needed God to sign off on them.

As I grew older, I began to see the flaw in my thinking.

God, no doubt, does speak to us by using signs. In the book of Daniel, he literally wrote on the wall.

Therefore, I believe it is better to be overly attuned to his still, small voice than to plug our ears like a stubborn child.

However, riddled with fear of making the wrong decision (and, honestly, of losing control), I would put out so many If this happens, then’s that my every movement was stunted . . . stagnated.

And then I married my husband, who is the counter opposite of me in countless ways.

His love of moving—and my despising it—is definitely one of them.

These past few weeks we’ve been preparing for our move to a solar-powered farm in Wisconsin, my husband’s been on a drifter’s high: organizing, trimming down excess, packing boxes and stacking them in our shipping container that’s parked smack-dab next to the carport (you might be a redneck if . . .).

Meanwhile, I’ve been vacillating between euphoria (I am Pioneer Woman, hear me roar!) and paranoia (The only way I’m gonna survive this winter is to triple my weight in cheese curds so I can keep warm!).

The other day, I was gravitating toward this latter exclamatory sentence when I took a walk with my newborn and my toddler.

More often than not, my toddler makes the three-mile trek feel like parental boot camp: Water? Snacks? Bankie? Fowers? Cows? (I’m supposed to produce each of these within seconds or else.)

Before children, these daily walks doubled as my time to contemplate life and pour out my heart to God.

But somehow, that day, I found time to commune with my Creator while also peeling off the wrapper on a granola bar, picking “fowers,” and popping a pacifier back in my newborn baby’s mouth.

My request was simple: God, I want a sign.

Not only a sign that our family was on the right track, but a sign that God was there.

Then I looked down and saw a buckeye—a round dark orb that looks and feels like polished wood.

I have been collecting buckeyes for years, long before I knew there was any superstition involved.

I smiled to myself, hit the brake on the stroller, bent down and retrieved the buckeye. Slipping it into my pocket, I felt like that little nut was God’s way of reaffirming that he did see me, a slightly frazzled nut, taking a long walk on a short leash of patience.

And then, on our lane that I’ve been walking daily for three years, I saw another buckeye. And another. And another. I walked over and crouched slightly, cupping my newborn’s head in the sling.

The ground was positively littered with them.

So I did what any respectable mother of two does when she comes upon a harvest of buckeyes: I got down on my hands and knees and filled the pockets of my jeans. When they became too full, I filled the top of the stroller.

I freed my toddler from her straps, and she helped me. Together, we knelt in the damp grass as the autumn sun set over the mountains and gathered the nuts—a sign to a woman who’d given up on signs that God still answers our smallest requests in abundance.


Does God speak to you through signs? If so, please share!


  • Cynthia Robertson

    Absolutely, Jolina! Most are too private to share here, and would make little sense to anyone but me (without lengthy explaining), but I am a strong believer in God winks and synchronicities. 😉

    October 11, 2014
  • Wonderful, Cynthia. Glad to hear I’m not alone in looking for “signs.” 🙂

    October 12, 2014
  • ~ Well for a long time others said to take no stock in my dreams, but the dreams were always warnings and I believe from the Lord. Most not good things but it was like God was preparing me for what was ahead in the future… I am not sure he has sent me really strong signs in a reality but I sure know when he is working in my life in a huge way. God always meets our needs and when we don’t think he is , well we somehow make it by right…smile Iam so excited for you…envious actually. I so would love to take DH Mark and the children and run off to some farm in the middle of no where and just live our lives. Truth is we can write anywhere, but when DH’s are so excited to do something we need to support them 110 % ! Your so blessed and as a mamma of 7 and grandma of 7, who is 50 but feels like I am still 20 something…. Motherhood does get easier… Buy stock in M&Ms ok lol its a simple reward, try to keep her simple and don’t give in to wannas and gimmies, it makes life easier when they are older. I chuckle at some of the stories you share, so sweet and I so miss my baby days big time. Just sit on the porch swing and breath deep, cause you won’t ever get that moment or that day back. Daniel is 6, will be 7 in January and someday I wish I had things to do over, but that isn’t going to happen. All we can do is go on and make memories and share Jesus love with them and hope and pray they turn out to be the ok and godly. Sometimes we sure fail at being the best wife or mamma, but thats where forgiveness and mercy come in.

    Here’s your sign !

    Be Blessed Sis
    Jesus is so gracious even when we think were messed up !
    Linda Marie Finn

    October 13, 2014
  • Oh I love it. I’m so excited for you. And I love moments when God answers us in sweet little ways. They are so very precious.

    October 13, 2014
  • Aunt Cissy

    I’m always wishing God would write messages to me in the sky…maybe send an airplane over my house with smoke trails skywriting just what I want to hear. And, I’d love to see a burning bush every now and then. But, that’s never happened and the signs usually come, like the buckeyes, when I least expect it and accompanied with a gentle whisper of what I “need” to hear rather than what I want. (The Mt. Saint Helens volcano erupted the day I got married…would that count as a burning bush experience???) Loved this post, Jolina…I was right there with you picking up buckeyes…

    October 13, 2014

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