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Marriage: Handle With Care

Marriage: Handle With Care

HANDLE-WITH-CARE-International-Safe-Handling-LabelThis week, I thought I became a widow.

My husband and father-in-law were outside, jacking up the shipping container holding almost all our worldly possessions, when I heard a tremendous crash.

I was in the midst of packing my closet, and I just stood there with a peasant top draped over my hands, frozen, knowing that within the next few minutes I would learn if either my husband or father-in-law had been under the numerous tons of weight when the container obliterated the cinder blocks beneath it….

Finish reading the post here:


  • Jolina – my heart was in my throat last week as I read this. Glad everything is ok and that you managed to pull a lesson from the experience. Hope life on the solar farm is going well!

    November 17, 2014
  • Since it’s been over a month since you wrote the blog entry about the moving mishap, I am sure it has settled in perspective, but I thought I’d share a newlywed moving story from almost 44 years ago. Back from our honeymoon to the Apostle Islands (now that you are a Wisconsinite, you must visit there), my husband and I were moving our wedding gifts into our small new house we had built. I felt all was perfect, but then Russ dropped a small box. Inside was the set of crystal that my great aunt and uncle had given us for a wedding gift. This was not just any crystal’ this was their own crystal which she was passing on to me. They had been married over 50 years and I had felt so honored. I unwrapped each piece with trembling hands and anger at my new husband. How could he have been so careless? One piece had broken but only one. I placed each piece in our china cabinet still upset, but I got over my anger when I saw the sorrow in Russ’s eyes. We’ve used that crystal all our married life and when a loved one broke another piece just a few years ago, I knew it didn’t matter. What matters are the great memories of my great aunt and uncle and the influence they had on my life. I still treasure the dishes and I will pass them on someday, but I treasure all the loved ones in my life more, especially that handsome groom, now a wonderful grandfather of six. And welcome to Wisconsin.

    December 2, 2014

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