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“May My Toddler Use Your…Yard?” And Other Potty-Training Fiascos

“May My Toddler Use Your…Yard?” And Other Potty-Training Fiascos

I had read the e-books, the articles, asked for and listened to advice. I had purchased pretzel sticks, trail mix, 100% juice boxes, and organic gummies made from tapioca starch.

I had done everything but coordinate a celebratory potty dance.

But I felt that the movements would come naturally once I saw my little princess make a deposit in her miniature loo for the very first time.

Now, six days into potty-training, I realize I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

Three days, the e-book said . . .

Three days and your child will know how to use the bathroom by herself!

So the first day, I remained optimistic.

Yes, she had accidents. Yes, I found myself chasing her around the house with the miniature toilet and then determined to stay calm no matter the extent of the Hansel and Gretel dribbles trailing around my kitchen.

(Which, FYI, staying calm while watching a naked baby do a potty-dance across the carpet is like trying to do yoga when you know a napalm bomb is about to explode.)

By the second day of potty-training, I would’ve rather gone through the first twelve hours of labor than to face another twelve-hour stretch, keeping my eyes honed in on my two-year-old’s backside.

But, by George, I did it.

I fed her raisins and a smoothie so chock-full of fiber, if I dumped out the Sippy cup, it would’ve stood up all by itself.

For entertainment, we fed water to the pee baby and squirted her fat rubber belly over the toilet, which Miss A loved.

I gave her a pedicure (my daughter, not the pee baby). We watched inspirational videos such as, “She’s a Super Dooper Pooper!” and I was appalled to find myself bobbing my head and singing along, gorging myself on the organic gummies that had cost about five dollars for a .2 oz. bag.

But somehow, the miniature toilet remained dry.

That night, my husband took a shift and declared—after steam mopping various sections of our hardwood floor and trying to sop up the carpet as best as he could—that it was time to put a diaper on the child.

“Fine!” I cried. “I’m going to bed and not getting up for a month!” I went into our darkened bedroom and threw myself across the mattress. Have I mentioned that I’m 18 weeks pregnant?

Two minutes later, my daughter pushed open the door and stretched her arms toward me. I pulled her up and nestled my face in the soft curve of her neck, redolent of that sweet toddler scent: cotton, fruit gummies, and milk.

Day Three, my daughter had an accident in her high chair and bellowed, “Oh, shoot!” If you think “Oh, shoot!” doesn’t sound like cussing, you should hear it coming from a toddler’s mouth.

Day Four, my husband saw my glazed eyes and declared that he was taking us to town, where we purchased a child’s insert for the regular toilet and more pretty panties for lil’ bit.

Day Five, my daughter zoomed around the house, flapping her arms and crying because she had to potty so badly but did not want to use her “yucky” toilet. In desperation, I picked her up and took her outside.

She plopped down and peed all over the stamped concrete entrance and cried some more. I picked her up and kissed her wet face, trying not to think of her wet legs wrapped around my stomach.

Today, Day Six, I carried the potty insert outside and asked Miss A if she’d like to use it. She waved at our dog in the backyard and then happily sat down and peed in her potty insert that was on the carport, but who–by this point–really cares?

So, if you don’t mind, pass the overpriced gummies and box juice….

Do you have any potty-training stories? Make this mama feel better and share! 🙂

For your enjoyment–though I warn you, it will get stuck in your head:


  • Oh my! That’s awesome. What a funny story. It’s amazing the things that click with them sometimes.

    We haven’t tried yet but I got to tell ya, I am not looking forward to it.

    How old is your daughter?

    April 12, 2014
  • amyc

    I’m going through the potty training phase with my son. To be honest with you, I’m not really pushing it. I was pregnant with him when my daughter was potty training. I got so stressed out about it. It probably to took 6-9 months before she was fully trained. I’ve decided I’m not stressing it. He will get it when he gets it. When it’s bath time I will put him on the potty. The other night, he jumped down and ran naked tail into the living room . By the time I got in there, he’s pointing at the carpet yelling “Water, water!”. Trust me when I say that it was NOT water that was on my floor but it was VERY wet. Nope, I do not like this phase in parenting. LOL.

    April 12, 2014
  • Dawn

    I’ve potty trained three kids. From 2-3 years old. My only advice, once you are done with diapers, be done with diapers. Because if they know they are available they’ll want what they know. I would sit each of them on the toilet with an insert (the little potties were great when they could go on their own) with a big cup of juice (not watered down like usual). And we would sit until we made potty. And we sat, and sat. And sat some more. But eventually it “happened” and we laughed and screamed and high fived like the kid won a marathon! Gave them a couple m&ms and prepared for them to go on my carpeted floor in ten minutes. Because that’s what happens. Good luck mama, you are doing great!

    April 14, 2014

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