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My Husband’s Letter to Our Daughter

My Husband’s Letter to Our Daughter

Eight years ago — although I would not admit it until much later — I fell in love with my quiet husband through his written words. After reading this letter he wrote to our daughter, a part of me fell in love with him even more.

My daughter, how you have stolen my heart. Already I cannot imagine life without you. You are only a handful in size, kicking and pushing from the safety of your mother’s belly, the full extent of your known world. My eyes have yet to see you, other than the tiny glimpse allowed by technology. With my ears I have heard you, though. Only a few short weeks after we knew you existed, the midwife placed that probe on your mother’s belly and whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, your tiny heart filled the room with sound. A lump instantly formed in my throat. I was smitten from the very first “whoosh.” Even then I would have given everything I possess to keep you. No price would have been too high.

Your mother and I love you more than you could possibly fathom. I suppose it will be many years until you are able to fully understand the depth of this love. Even though we will do our best to show it to you as you grown up, the day you fully understand this love may very well be the day, if the Lord wills, that you yourself are all grown up and have a new life inside you. Then you will understand how much we have loved and do love you. This is the beauty and ways of God who formed you. It was His good will to allow us to know this love that is so deep, it is hard to put into words, so abandoned of self, that we would go to any length–even giving our own lives to save yours. He lets us know this love because it is a small taste of the love He feels towards us. The only one who could possibly love you more than your mother or I do is the One who formed you and gave you the breath of life. He not only would give His life to save you, he has done so–suffering terrible things so that you could be with Him one day and He with you. No matter what you must face or go through in your time on earth, you can always know that you are loved with a love that is so deep, it has no bottom, and reaches so high, it has no top. He is passionately in love with you and will pursue your heart from day one of your life. You are more precious than all the silver in the world, more valuable than every ounce of gold on earth. Your mother and I are in awe of the Lord’s goodness; that He is allowing us to have you, to hold you and raise you up from baby to girl to woman. You are the biggest, most valuable gift we have ever been given; I hope and pray you will grow up knowing and believing that.

Oh, my little daughter, I must be honest with you and warn you about the day you will live in. I cannot hide from you the fact that life will not always be easy; life will not always seem beautiful. You will likely face things and times that are very hard. You are being born into a fallen world ruled by much evil and injustice. It is with a mixture of excitement and dread that I must tell you the system and ways of this world, as assuredly as the sun rises every morning, are coming to an end. Evil and immorality are on the rise. There is so much wickedness on earth it feels hopeless and scary to be bringing you up in this day. How oh how can we protect you? In my mind I fear for you, of what you will have to face. I want to keep you from every evil thing, but I know that I cannot. In my heart though, I know that I must give you over to the One who loves you more than I do. He is able to protect you, and I know He will. Put your trust in Him and you will find that even in the midst of a raging storm, you can have true peace and be filled with the joy that only He can give. It is a joy and peace that comes from the inside, and it is not reliant on everything being perfect on the outside. There is nothing you cannot face if you are on His side, for He has overcome this world and one day He is coming back for you.

So here is my prayer for you: I pray that even at a very young age you will recognize the One who is pursuing your heart and calling you; at a very young age you will learn to know and understand His voice. Just as He pursues you, so in turn go after and pursue Him. Find Him at a young age; don’t wait until you have made a mess of your life and are filled with regrets. Even though He will take you at any point, give in to His calling while you are still young with the prime of your life and days of your youth still ahead of you. He longs to be your everything and He will fill every void and longing in your soul.

I don’t pray that life will be easy for you; no, instead I pray that you will be filled with the Spirit and will face things boldly, and with every battle, your faith will grow until you are an unstoppable force for His kingdom. May you bring many, many souls along with you into everlasting life. Everything in life here may not be easy, but I do ask that you would truly love life and see it as a gift from God. That every morning you wake up, you would be glad. I pray that nothing would be able to shorten your days; that you would not go until He who put you here, says it time to take you away. May any and every plan the enemy of your soul has for you come to utter and complete defeat. Do not give the devil more credit than he deserves. Always see him as a defeated foe. The only way he can get to you is to deceive you, and in these days of such great deception, remember that. Do not give time to fear. Fear at its root is love of self. Fear is the opposite of trust, and you must overcome it if God is to use you. Understand the day that you live it. Most have no clue. Have spiritual eyes that are open. You are among those that may see the end of all things spoken of so long ago. But remember, the end must come before the new beginning can. It is the new beginning that we all long for and no matter what happens here, we will all meet up again at that time. You only must remain faithful till the end.

So, my daughter, there is my heart for you spilled out on page. We are so excited to see you and hold you. I am sure you will take up most all of our time, but I can think of nothing I would rather give my time to. You are a gift to us, and I hope you will grow up thinking that we are a gift to you, too. We are far from perfect, but we are going to do our best for you. That is all we can do. The rest we leave to God…you are in good hands.

Welcome to life!

Adelaide Anne Petersheim
Born February 26, 2012 at 11:30 p.m. weighing 7 lbs, 5 oz, 18 1/2 inches long.


  • She will know your love, unconditional and unbounded, and the world will be warmer and sweeter and more beautiful for it.

    Congratulations to you and your family, Jolina. She is just gorgeous!

    March 5, 2012
  • How wonderful that daddy wrote Addie such a heartfelt letter, Jolina. You must be consumed with complete joy and happiness now. It sounds as though she stayed the right direction in the end :-). So glad everyone is healthy and happy!

    March 5, 2012
  • That is such a beautiful letter. It will mean so much to her when she grows. And congratulations to you all! She is just beautiful and is in the hearts and hands of two wonderful parents. I wish you all the best. And for the times that may seem like the worst, it too shall pass.

    March 5, 2012
  • What a beautiful baby daughter — and beautiful words welcoming her into the world. No question she will “take up most of” your time… as the letter says…. and it's the most wonderful time-taking-uppedness (how's that for a writer's writing???) that I've ever experienced. It's the best. Every bit of it. xo Julia

    March 5, 2012
  • Oh, how sweet. Blessings to all of you. xx

    March 5, 2012
  • I do pray that throughout her life my daughter will truly know she is loved, Erika. If children have that comfort in their little souls, it seems everything else falls into place.

    March 5, 2012
  • Nothing else compares, Melissa. Truly nothing. I could be handed a million dollars, and the joy I feel would not measure up to holding my little girl.

    March 5, 2012
  • I do love this letter, Leah. I am going to print it out and frame it for Adelaide to look at as she grows. If daughters are confident in the love their fathers feel for them, I believe they will not seek a false replacement throughout their lives.

    March 5, 2012
  • Oh, I am already experiencing how that time given up is really a gift, Julia. I am even grateful for how long it takes to nurse as it gives me a chance throughout the day to just stop what I am doing and revel in the beauty of my baby girl.

    March 5, 2012
  • Thank you, Erika. We certainly feel blessed! 🙂

    March 5, 2012
  • That is amazing and inspiring! I often deal with sad and challenging stories on my blog, so it is refreshing to read about such joy. Congratulations!

    March 5, 2012
  • Sweet tears falling for your beautiful family. Thank you for sharing your heart with us.

    March 5, 2012
  • I am glad it could refresh you, Andrew. Life does have its joys; sometimes we just have to search for them.

    March 6, 2012
  • You're most welcome, Karen. I had to cry reading this, too.

    March 6, 2012
  • awwww! makes me teart-eyed. So beautiful! THe baby and the letter!

    March 6, 2012
  • Thank you, Holly! We think so, too. 🙂

    March 6, 2012
  • Oh happy day. What a lucky little girl she is. She's beautiful. I'd tell you to enjoy her, but I know you already are.

    What a lucky woman you are, but I suspect you already know that too.

    March 7, 2012
  • Congratulations on such a beautiful daughter! I am so glad all went well. What a lucky girl to have such loving parents. The letter was beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    March 7, 2012
  • Beautiful and so precious, Jolina–thank you for sharing such a special moment with us. Just looking at the sweet image of her makes me smile, and I can only imagine the joy that you and your husband are experiencing (and will experience) now and always. That letter is a treasure!

    March 7, 2012
  • I do know how lucky I am, Christine, and hope that I will never take my precious husband for granted.

    March 7, 2012
  • We are so grateful everything turned out beautifully, too, Cecilia. Addie was sunny-side up for a while but turned in the end. 🙂

    March 7, 2012
  • I will always cherish this letter, Natalia, as it is a reminder of the anticipation surrounding our firstborn's birth. And what a reward that nine month wait was!

    March 7, 2012
  • OH my goodness. TEARS–over the letter and that sweet picture. How is baby Adelaide?? What a beautiful name! How are you doing?

    March 9, 2012
  • Adelaide is doing great, Nina. An absolutely precious baby. I love her name, too–have for years! I am feeling just like my ol' self…helps to have such great support. 🙂

    March 9, 2012

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