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Sitting up at night with my infant child, my feet rocking the glider on their own, plots begin to stir and thicken as characters bob to the surface in the sleepy cauldron of my mind.

Tomorrow, I think, swaddling my daughter and lowering her into dreams. Tomorrow, I’ll find the time.

But as the fireflies burning outside our French doors vanish with the scalding dawn, so do these aspirations. Instead, I find that breakfast — a lumberjack breakfast: eggs, oatmeal, coffee to wash away the sand of sleep — is top priority followed by laundry, then dishes. By lunchtime, my creative aspirations have condensed down to peeling an orange with both hands.

In the afternoon — post dusting, pre supper — I tie a striped hat under my daughter’s chin, and we sit in the grass beneath the bonny spring sun. While the warmth penetrates through my cotton shirt, melting the fused rod of my spine, I turn the pages of a book with one hand and cup my daughter’s supping head with the other. The author’s words simmer in my mind. I taste the sweetness of consonants on my tongue and the beauty of them sates my creative thirst.

In the kitchen, a timer goes off. The casserole is done. I unspool my legs and struggle to my feet while being careful not to disturb the magnum opus of my sleeping child.

Inside, I know, the sink is full of dishes, but the cauldron of my mind is not empty, for tomorrow — maybe tomorrow — I will find the time.


  • So beautiful! I'm sure I've told you this a million times, but the way you write is so visual. I can literally see and feel what you describe. I would give anything for sitting outside with Sophie that little again. Enjoy the days! The dishes will wait (believe me, they'll wait).

    April 3, 2012
  • Thank you for the reminder, Leah. I am still trying to find the balance between productivity and just being, for I don't want to 'to-do list' this precious time with my newborn daughter away. Adelaide has already grown so much.

    April 3, 2012
  • I'm with Leah… I'd love those days back… everything will wait! And meanwhile, if you're like me? You're writing it in your mind, and it will all be there when you least expect it, spilling onto the page or as stories for Adelaide!

    April 3, 2012
  • Well, when my house goes to shambles, I will blame you ladies! 😉 I really do need to learn to let some things go and to just drink up this time. Who needs to dust (or write) when there is a wee, sleeping babe in my arms? Plus, the stories — just like the dishes — will be there when I return.

    April 3, 2012
  • Wow Jolina, you are an awesome writer… I'm just getting to know you and I think you write amazing! I can totally relate, although I do work a 9 to 5. I get home and have to cook, or like last night, I had a mound of laundry to do. I have a difficult time striking a balance. Thanks for writing this.

    April 3, 2012
  • Thank you so much for your kind words, Pilar! I am glad this post could speak to you; it was certainly therapeutic to write!

    April 3, 2012
  • Just lovely words, Jolina. Remember than even if you're not actually working on a book or a short story or an essay, these carefully crafted posts ARE ART. You are keeping your creativity alive through them, the same way one might do with journaling. And who knows what might come of them one day? You might enjoy reading Beth Ann Fennelly's “Great With Child” and “On Tender Hooks” during this time of your life. Enjoy every moment, as you obviously are!

    April 3, 2012
    • That is the reason I enjoy keeping up with this blog so much, Susan; it is like a journal that I can share with my little corner of the world. I also love looking back on the journey of years and seeing where they have taken me. I will have to check out the two books you recommend. They sound like great reads when the nights are long! Xx

      April 3, 2012
  • This is so beautiful it gave me chills, Jolina. You capture exactly the feeling and convey it in vivid poetic language that makes me recall having these very emotions.

    Hopefully the blog will satisfy you and keep your writing muscles supple, while you enjoy this fleeting time with your darling girl.

    April 3, 2012
    • Your encouragement means so much, Cynthia. Thank you. I think this writing exercise was just what I needed to loosen my creative muscles again. I worked on my WIP yesterday, and it felt wonderful! Only five pages in five weeks, but with a newborn, I don't feel like that's too shabby. Making baby steps! 🙂

      April 4, 2012
  • This is so lovely, Jolina, and I echo the comments of the others. Who cares about dust and dirty dishes? There will always be more. And the time you have with our baby girl is fleeting. Still, you need to feed your writing soul and your creativity, which you seem to doing quite well with your beautiful post. Seems to me you're finding that balance already. Keep up the good work, mama. 🙂

    April 5, 2012
    • Wise words, Jessica, and I will most definitely try to heed them. It is hard, though, because when I spend so much time at home, I like my home to feel more like a refuge than a cage. I find that keeping everything clean and playing classical music and opening the windows helps the ambiance of our home to remain peaceful. Still, a few spots of dust on our mantel will not wreck that peace. 🙂 Thank you for your words of encouragement, too. It is nice to have you creative mothers around me who have already achieved that tight rope of balance. Hugs.

      April 5, 2012
    • I'm happy to offer the support. And remember, no matter how old your children get, you'll always be on that tight rope (and you WILL fall off from time to time! Happens to the best of us. Trick is to just keep getting back up. 🙂

      April 5, 2012
  • Thankfully I have a wonderful husband who works as my safety net! 😉

    April 6, 2012
  • Isn't it amazing how the entire day flies by like that!? I hope it's all going well, Jolina.

    April 8, 2012
  • My days have NEVER passed like this, Nina! And I don't even “do” that much. It's so worth it, though, and it is already getting easier. LOVED the post on your blog, by the way. 🙂

    April 9, 2012
  • Oh, dear… Beautiful as always. You will get back into a writing rhythm, but it sounds as though your life is quite full and beautiful just the way it is in this moment.

    April 9, 2012
  • What a beautiful post, Jolina! Enjoy these precious moments. Your days sound wonderful and fulfilling, and even if you don't manage to find time to write, these are the kinds of things that will make you a better writer in the long run–the fact that you're taking the time to live and soak in life. Think of this as a marinating stage. It'll all come out when it's ready 😉

    April 10, 2012
  • There is a time for all things, and your time with your daughter is so fleeting. You are right to enjoy your moments. And there will eventually be time to do other things as well.

    As always, Jolina, a beautifully written post.

    April 11, 2012
  • My life is certainly full at the moment, Melissa, and although I sometimes I have to seek the beauty in it at four in the morning when my daughter won't sleep, one look into her smiling eyes, and I find it once again. What a wonder these littles ones are!

    April 11, 2012
  • The marinating stage, Natalia; I really like that thought! I do struggle with feeling like I am creatively stagnant at the moment, but perhaps my ideas are just simmering and when the timing is right, they will be ready to explode! 🙂

    April 11, 2012
  • There is a time for everything under the sun, Cecilia, and right now that time is just to revel in the beauty of my newborn daughter. Thank you for that reminder!

    April 11, 2012
  • I agree with the others. What I wouldn't give to have them back in my arms again.

    Lovely post.

    April 15, 2012
    • This is so wonderful to hear, as I have Adelaide in my arms now. It makes me want to hold her all the closer.

      April 16, 2012

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