The Multi-Level Marketing Plan Our World Really Needs
I told my husband I felt like a fraud after the fourth meal was delivered to our door. When my husband had brain surgery four years ago, it took months for us to get back on our feet. My husband
Home Is Where the Table Is
One summer, eleven years ago now, I visited my husband’s extended family in Pennsylvania. I remember my husband’s younger cousins chasing me with a crawdad they’d found in their uncle’s pond. Little did they known I had grown up scouting
Why I Appreciate My Spouse
My husband’s been in Wisconsin since Wednesday, and until Friday afternoon, I took great pride in the fact that I could manage just fine without him. My three daughters and I read books, baked muffins, played outside in the cool November
Peace Like an Ocean
My husband got sun-poisoned at the beach, but I didn’t know it until the next morning when he helped me cart our three girls and various and sundry items back across the blinding white sand. His head throbbed so badly,
Learning to Love Them Better
The woman stood with her back against the sink and stared up at the screen. Close-cropped brown hair and a tribal shell necklace accented her beauty. I usually write during my daughter’s forty-five minute dance class, and I have a
The Force of Waterfalls
“Aslan is a lion - the Lion, the great Lion." "Oh," said Susan. "I'd thought he was a man. Is he quite safe? I shall feel rather nervous about meeting a lion." "Safe?" said Mr. Beaver. "Who said anything about safe? 'Course
Getting What I Want
My baby girl, fourteen months, had roseola the other week. Her fever hovered around 103 for days, and she was lethargic with very little appetite. Therefore, whenever she would rouse herself long enough to point at something she thought looked
My Rainbow Baby
On May 21, 2017, my three-year-old became my middle child. She has been an incredible big sister—never once showing jealousy toward our new arrival—but recently this transition has revealed itself in other ways. For 2.5 years, we have known our three-year-old
How the Story’s Going to Turn Out
The girls and I read Little House in the Big Woods and Farmer Boy last year, so I was delighted when I discovered Little House on the Prairie and On the Banks of Plum Creek in the audio-book section of
Mud Pits & Walls
Nursing my baby like clockwork at four a.m., I rested my head back against the glider and groggily thought how wonderful it would be to have a child born at two years old, so she could sleep twelve hours and