Reacting to Fear in a Healthy Way
“The light’s green, you retard!” Stunned, I looked up from my computer into the street. A guy in a gold Chevy 4x4 with its windows down revved his engine again while waiting at the green light. Two political flags blazed from
God’s Perspective on Pain
After I received the email, I walked outside in the pulsing dark. I went halfway down the driveway and lay on the asphalt. I could feel the warmth, from the day’s relentless sun, radiating against my back. The night sky
Until We Feel The Warmth Again
My husband comes outside as I’m trying to put my fitful heart into words. He munches on a piece of dark chocolate, his work boots in hand. “That’s funny." He smiles. "It’s 41 degrees, and you’re sitting out here with a