100 FREE Kindle Copies of HOW THE LIGHT GETS IN!
How the Light Gets In has been released for a week today. My four other novels have never received such a swift, visceral response.
I have had readers throw their books, weep, get angry, laugh, and then weep again.
Women from all walks of life have contacted me to tell me how Ruth’s story has helped them understand theirs. How it has offered them hope, right where they are.
One of these readers asked me when I knew the “twist” inside of the twist. I would like to say that I was taking a hike when this shard of sunlight pierced the woods, and I became filled with this deep “knowing” as the birds trilled.
In reality, though, I was steam-mopping the floor.
I was thinking and praying while I mopped the breezeway. I remember it was Friday night because we were leaving for life group soon afterward.
I knew the ending I wanted—I knew the hope I wanted to project—but I had no idea how to get there.
And then, suddenly, I knew.
I stood still as the plot pieces turned and clicked into place, and the pattern became clear.
The hair on my arms stood up, and my scalp prickled. Steam rose from the mop, enveloping me, as I continued to test out different scenes to see if it would actually work.
That twist is the one that has evoked such a visceral response from my beloved readers, but that twist is also the one that has offered hope to women from all different walks of life: long-married, newlywed, single, divorced.
We ALL need hope. We ALL need to see that the pain we thought would break us is exactly how the Light gets in.
If you, my beloved reader, would like to enter to win a free Kindle copy of How the Light Gets In, visit this link on Goodreads.
You might also want to check out some of those passionate reviews while you’re there. *wink*
Last week, on launch day, I had the wonderful opportunity to be interviewed by fellow Tyndale author, Chris Fabry, on Moody Radio. We discussed the personal journey behind Ruth’s story, and how my faith has deepened through that trial. You can listen to that interview here.
Finally, don’t forget to enter to win a vacation getaway valued at $1,200, which ends THIS WEEK!
You need a receipt to enter, so you can just purchase the Kindle copy of How the Light Gets In for $6.99 (it is going back to full price soon) and then enter to win!
Thank you for your support, friends. I appreciate you.
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Dora dominguez
Would love to read. Heard so much about it!!!
Thank you, Dora!
Jane Kuc Shrom
Love jolina
Thank you, Jane!
i want to read this one! Sounds great!
Thank you, Kimberley!