Marriage: Handle With Care
This week, I thought I became a widow. My husband and father-in-law were outside, jacking up the shipping container holding almost all our worldly possessions, when I heard a tremendous crash. I was in the midst of packing my closet, and
Conquering Fear In An Unsettled World
Our toddler began screaming the instant our minivan entered the darkened tunnel of the car wash. Her head thrashed from side to side, as she tried to anticipate the monster’s assault. Eyes welling, she was on the verge of really cutting
A Sign To A Woman Who’s Given Up On Signs
Somewhere between graduating from college and giving birth to my first child, many of my life’s questions were answered, and so I stopped searching the cosmos for signs. If the light turned green before I had to tap my brake, it
Embarking On “The Great Perhaps”
Packing this week for our move to a solar-powered farm in Wisconsin, I discovered a clear freezer bag stuffed with emails to and from my long-distance fiance; emails that I had printed off in my dorm room before I graduated