“May My Toddler Use Your…Yard?” And Other Potty-Training Fiascos
I had read the e-books, the articles, asked for and listened to advice. I had purchased pretzel sticks, trail mix, 100% juice boxes, and organic gummies made from tapioca starch. I had done everything but coordinate a celebratory potty dance.
The Promise of Spring
. In the fall, parchment leaves were windswept around the double doors. Taking a breath, I pulled one open and entered the brick building. I sat in the waiting area—surrounded by pictures of babies, pregnant women whose hands were cups protectively
Giving Up My “Cool Mom” Card
Five years ago, my husband and I declared that we would never—under any circumstance—be one of those couples who cave after a few children and purchase a minivan. This past Wednesday, my husband and I journeyed through the snow and
The Mantle Clock
In the quiet of the living room, I listen to the clock ticking on the mantle ledge—ticking off the time I can never get back. And yet, I sit here still . . . still staring out the window at